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Hi, I'm Zach.

Professional Audio Engineer.  Filmmaker.

Reluctant Sports Broadcaster.  Mediocre Musician.  Hobbyist Photographer.

Wanna do something cool together???

Welcome to my new home on the internet, where I'll share details of recent adventures and creative projects I'm working on.  Yes, I made this so billionaires can't profit off of my data anymore, but also to provide an expanded prospective beyond the snapshot storytelling of social media.

scenes from recent adventures

let's make cool shit...

Looking to collaborate on your next project?  I'm interested in working on short or long-form narrative and documentary films that tell unique or interesting stories, music videos and live performance, live-streaming events, audio engineering and consulting, and more.  Use the form to reach out and let me know what your ideas are, and lets talk about making them a reality.

Thanks for submitting!

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